
Thursday, February 07, 2008

2008 Classes

Hi everyone,

I've been getting phone calls and emails from Kickboxing Club Members keen to get back into training, and asking about when classes start up again for 2008.

The first class for 2008 will be on Monday 25 February.

Class times will be the same:

  • Monday - 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Beginners)
  • Monday - 7:30pm to 8:30pm (Intermediate and above)
  • Thursday - 7pm - 8:30pm (All Levels)

The difference this year will be that the Monday 7:30pm - 8:30pm class will be reserved for Intermediate and above only. That is, anyone who has graded with the Kickboxing Club (Level 6, 5, 4, 3, etc). This will allow the more advanced students to progress at a quicker rate without being "held back", and also means that beginners are not overwhelmed.

Other Members who have not yet graded, but have previous martial arts or Kickboxing experience, may be invited to join the Intermediate class.

There will still be plenty of opportunities for students of all levels to train together and mingle in the Monday 6:30pm and Thursday 7pm class.

Fees will remain the same as last year, which is good news. Remember, if you were a Member of the Monash University Kickboxing Club last year (or even before 2007), you will get a discount for your Annual Membership as a reward for renewing your Membership and continuing your Kickboxing training.


Kacey Chong

P.S. Our web designer is amending a few more minor things, and will be ready to go live with our new website soon, so all the info above will be updated on the new website then.

Write to Foxsports Feedback

Hi guys,

If you haven't already done so, this is just a quick reminder to email Foxsports Feedback at to tell them how much you enjoyed the NAS broadcast on Tues 29 Jan, and that you want to see more of the NAS on Foxsports!

Kacey Chong