
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Kickboxing Club Training Camp

The Monash University Kickboxing Club held our first Training Camp at Anglesea Recreation Camp on Friday 9 Dec - Sunday 11 Dec 2005.

We covered the following topics over the weekend:
  • Self-Defense / Street-Fighting
  • Filipino Single and Double Stick Fighting
  • Advanced Muay Thai
  • Filipino Knife Defense
  • Trapping & Grappling
  • Multiple Attacker Drills
  • Filipino Kickboxing
  • Advanced Kicking

Everyone who attended the camp enjoyed it thoroughly and the feedback has been very positive, both from the students and the instructors who participated. While everyone got a lot out of the training sessions, the students also had a lot of fun socialising in the informal environment. Many of the students have expressed an eager interest in holding another camp in 2006, so we may be holding another one in mid-2006.

It seems like the most popular sessions were the stick-fighting and the trapping & grappling. Although we don't usually cover these topics in our regular Monday and Thursday classes (as they are considered extra-curricular), we do work on weaponry as well as trapping & grappling in our Sunday morning classes.

So those of you who want to take your cross-training further should definitely train regularly in the Sunday morning classes, which are held from 10am - 12pm in the Martial Arts Hall. Sunday morning classes have already commenced (on 8 January 2006), so get to it!

Hope to see you all at our 2006 Kickboxing Club Training Camp!

Kacey Chong.