
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar

Every year, dedicated and loyal students make the trek (well, it's a trek for some of us!) to learn from one of the most sought-after Muay Thai Masters in the world.

This year was no different. Ajarn Chai Sirisute taught his Muay Thai Seminar in Melbourne today in a packed-out hall.

He taught many combinations, incorporating elbows, knees, boxing, kicking, checking and plam escapes. While some of these combos were difficult for beginners to grasp, Ajarn Chai's patience meant that students were given time to learn them correctly. He spent some of the time walking around the class, checking and correcting people's technique.

Although there was a lot to be learnt technically, some of the most important messages that Ajarn Chai teaches at every Seminar were:

  • Always respect other Martial Arts and never put down other Martial Arts
  • It doesn't matter what Martial Art you practice, it's the person that matters
  • "If I can do, you can do" (one of Ajarn Chai's famous quotes)
  • Keep going, and never give up!

All in all, it was a fantastic day with a great turnout from the Kickboxing Club. We were well-represented, with 10 of our Students attending. Next year, we're going to try to outdo that number and bring an even bigger team to the Seminar!

Kacey Chong