
Monday, January 23, 2006

2006 Upcoming Events

The following are the first of the many events for the Monash University Kickboxing Club in 2006:

Sunday Morning Classes

  • Venue: Martial Arts Hall, Sports & Rec Centre, Monash Uni, Clayton
  • Dates: Sundays, commencing Sun 8 Jan 2006
  • Times: 10am - 12pm
  • Cost: $10 for the 2-hour class
  • This is the perfect opportunity to cross-train in Filipino weaponry (stick-fighting, knife defense), Filipino Kickboxing, trapping, grapping, and ground-work.
  • Sunday morning class is open to Kickboxing Club Members, as well as Non-Members.

Fighters Fitness Training

  • Venue: Martial Arts Hall, Sports & Rec Centre, Monash Uni, Clayton
  • Date/Times: Mondays and Thursdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm (starting 6 Feb 2006)
  • Students who wish to compete in Semi-Contact Kickboxing fights this year must attend Fighters Fitness Training, which will be held every Monday and Thursday one hour before class starts.
  • Fighters will start with skipping as a warm-up, then stretching, then running, followed by strength work.
  • Those of you interested in competing in the NAS (National All Styles Championships) are also encouraged to attend Fighters Fitness Training whenever possible.

Fighters Classes

  • Venue: Martial Arts Hall, Sports & Rec Centre, Monash Uni, Clayton
  • Date: From 6 Feb 2006 to 23 Feb 2006
  • Times: Mondays and Thursdays 7:30pm - 9pm
  • For 3 weeks leading up to the start of Semester 1 (when our regular classes officially start), Fighters will be working on sparring drills, non-contact and contact sparring, as well as endurance drills to start getting them ready for their fights
  • NAS Competitors are also welcome to train in the Fighters Classes

O-Week Stall 2006

  • Venue: Lawn area between Campus Centre and IT Building (Building 63), Monash Uni, Clayton
  • Date: Wed 22 Feb, Thurs 23 Feb, Tues 28 Feb 2006
  • Times: 10am - 4pm
  • The Kickboxing Club will have an O-Week Stall where new Members can sign-up for 2006.
  • All Kickboxing Club Members are encouraged to be involved in Kickboxing Club Stall during O-Week, as this is a great opportunity for us to promote Kickboxing / Muay Thai and the Kickboxing Club.
  • Please note that previous Members will need to renew their membership again each year, so please do so at the O-Week Stall during O-Week so that we are not signing-up too many people during class time.
  • We will need 2005 Members at the O-Week Stall to take turns answering questions, signing up Members, and handing out flyers.
  • Members who are attending the O-Week Stall will need to arrive at 9:30am to set up stall, and pack up by 4:30pm.
  • If you are able to volunteer to help out at the O-Week Stall, we would very much appreciate it. Please contact Kacey Chong on 0403 171 328 or
  • Note that there will not be a Demonstration Team in 2006, as we will be focusing on training Fighters during the weeks leading up to O-Week

Regular Classes

  • Venue: Martial Arts Hall, Sports & Rec Centre, Monash Uni, Clayton
  • Dates: Mondays and Thursdays, commencing Mon 27 Feb 2006
  • Times: 7:30pm - 9pm
  • Classes officially begin on Mon 27 Feb 2006.

Ajarn Chai Sirisute Muay Thai Seminar

Ajarn (Master) Chai Sirisute is our Muay Thai Master. He is one of the most highly sought-after Muay Thai Masters in the world, and teaches Muay Thai out of the Inosanto Academy in the U.S. Ajarn Chai travels to Australia each year to spread the art of Muay Thai.

This is a great opportunity to train with a genuine Muay Thai master "in your backyard", without having to travel to Thailand.

This Seminar is highly recommended to all Kickboxing Club students who are serious about their training!

More information to follow as we get closer to the dates of the above events. Be sure to put these dates in your diary early on so you don't miss out!

Kacey Chong.