
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Important - Change of Training Times

Due to clashes in venue bookings, our Thursday night training times have changed temporarily.

6:30pm - 7:45pm: Beginners
7:45pm - 9pm: Intermediate & above

7pm - 8:30pm: All Levels

Note: All Members can attend both Beginners and Intermediate classes, but the focus of each class will be different. For example, in the Beginners class, the focus will be on the beginners and in the Intermediate class, the focus will be on the senior students.

Both Monday and Thursday night classes are being held in the same venue - Martial Arts Hall.

When we move to our new venue in April 2006, our training times will most likely change again, as we re-negotiate with Monash Sport.

Kacey Chong.