
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Interclub Challenge Results - 19 Aug 2006

The last Interclub Challenge was held on Saturday 19 August at the West Sunshine Community Centre, Kermeen St, West Sunshine.

Congratulations to Eric Hatzistavrau, Andy Lin and Chatu Abeysinghe for representing the
Monash University Kickboxing Club the Interclub Challenge in their first amateur/novice Kickboxing fight.

All 3 guys had hard fights and represented the Kickboxing Club very well, showing good sportsmanship at all times.

Eric was the first of the 3 to fight. He was up against a much more experienced opponent, and to make things more difficult, his opponent also had a huge height and reach advantage over Eric (despite Eric being 6 foot tall!). Eric fought hard and fast all through his rounds and even though he had trouble getting on the inside of his opponent’s reach, he was not afraid to get hit and demonstrated excellent fighting spirit. Eric’s opponent was too good in this match and won the fight. Great effort, Eric!

Andy was the next fight. Again, this was a tough one for a first fight. Andy also had a good opponent with much longer reach. Andy showed great boxing skill and landed some hard shots, but his opponent also landed a few hard ones on him which caused him to lose balance. Despite being on the receiving end of some well-placed punches, Andy kept on going like a pitbull. In the end, his opponent won the fight, but well done to Andy who shows a lot of potential to do well in future fights.

Chatu was lucky last. Chatu was matched with an opponent with good technique and good combos. This was a nice match with both fighters moving and exchanging well. Chatu made good use of his foot jabs, had good accuracy with his punches and demonstrated good technique throughout his bout. This fight finished in a draw, and Chatu will do well in the future with more focus on his fitness.

Great effort by all 3 fighters in their first fight. They will learn a lot from their experience and can only get better from here.

Thank you to all the Members who came along to cheer on the fighters, your moral support is always appreciated by the fighters!

Photos and videos of the fights will be shown on the big screen at our Annual Awards Presentation Night, so if you missed the fights on the day, make sure you come along to Presentation Night and check out the fights.

Kacey Chong.