
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mark Castagnini Seminar

As you know, the Monash University Kickboxing Club has invited Guest Instructor, Kru Mark “The Hammer” Castagnini to teach a Seminar on Muay Thai this Friday 6 May 2005. The Seminar will be held in the Martial Arts Hall from 7pm – 9:30pm.

When I invite Guest Instructors to teach Seminars at the Kickboxing Club, I invite the best in the industry, Instructors who have had years of experience and are experts in their field. I do not bring in Guest Instructors unless I’m sure that they will add tremendous value to your training, broaden your horizons and deepen your experience of the Martial Arts.

Kru Mark is one of the most distinguished Muay Thai Instructors in Australia. He is a former WKA Australian Champion with over 20 years of experience in the Security Industry. He is the Head Instructor of his own Martial Arts School, Blitz Thai Kickboxing, and a Member of the World Muay Thai Council. Some of you will recognise him as a Fox Sports Specialist Commentator for Kickboxing / Muay Thai fights televised on cable TV.

Kru Mark is dedicated to the art of Muay Thai and travels to Thailand with his students every year to continue his training and bring the art back to Australia. You will be fortunate enough to have the opportunity to tap into his expertise for a fraction of the cost and time that he has had to invest in traveling to Thailand.

Kru Mark will be teaching traditional Muay Thai techniques and principles, as well as the application of Muay Thai techniques on the street in real world self-defense scenarios.

Grab this opportunity to learn from one of the best Muay Thai Instructors in the country. Do not take this for granted, as you will be wasting a great opportunity to learn and grow as a Martial Artist and Muay Thai practitioner.

Make sure you put your name down for the Seminar on the Registration Form in class on Thursday night if you want to attend. If you can’t make it to class on Thursday, then email or SMS me on 0403 171 328 to let me know you’re attending the Seminar (make sure you include your name in the SMS!).

Try to get there around 6:30pm to start warming up and fix up fees if you haven’t already paid for the Seminar. The cost is $20 for Members and $30 for Non-Members. If you have friends who you think would like to attend, feel free to invite them. Pay your fees on Thursday night to avoid queuing on Friday night and missing out on the start of the Seminar.

Hope to see you there.

Kacey Chong