
Friday, July 15, 2005

Interclub Challenge - Sat 23 July

As you should already know, the Monash University Kickboxing Club has been invited to compete at the Interclub Challenges, which are regularly held in West Sunshine (every 6 to 7 weeks).

The next Interclub Challenge will be held on Saturday 23 July at the West Sunshine Community Centre, Kermeen St, West Sunshine. Competitors are to register at 11:30am, with the first fight scheduled for 12pm.

Nicolas Jarron will be the first Kickboxing Club Member to represent the Monash University Kickboxing Club at the Interclub Challenge. Nicolas is a French exchange student who has trained in Savate (French boxing) for 2 years. He has not fought under Kickboxing rules before, so this will be his first one.

We're not sure what time Nicolas' fight is on, so get there at 12pm so you don't miss out!

All Members are encouraged to attend the Interclub Challenge and support Nicolas (loudly). Remember, if you are interested in competing under semi-contact Kickboxing rules, you must attend the Interclub Challenge as a spectator first before competing. Spectator fees on the day are only $5.

For more information on the Interclub Challenge, see the entry "Interclub Challenge - Sat 4 June" that was posted on 16 May.

Kacey Chong